Resources, Grants, and Legislative Summaries
Complete List of Grant and Funding Opportunities
This active and sortable list of grant and funding opportunities that are related to the goals in the Methow Climate Action Plan. You can sort and select in the top row which grants and resources you would like to view. If you have any grants or resources you would like too add, please send them to
Featured Grants
Carbon Emission Reduction/Energy
Rural Energy Pilot Program (REPP) Grant (Rural Energy Community Partnerships (RECPs) to develop renewable energy to help meet our nation’s energy needs and combat climate change while prioritizing environmental justice, racial equity, and economic opportunity.)
Washington Dept of Commerce Energy Grants (including weatherization, efficiency, reducing fossil fuels)
Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities USDA Grant (for pilot projects that create market opportunities for commodities produced using climate-smart practices.)
Value Added Producer Grants (USDA to help farmers and ranchers access new and better markets)
Brighter Future Fund (providing resources to farmers who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), women, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+).)
Natural Systems
Department of Ecology Grants and Loans (Deptartment of Ecology grants for air and climate, spills and cleanup, water and shorelines, and waste and toxics)
Diverse Economy
Infrastructure Acceleration Grants (broadbrand infrastructure grants)
Legislative Summaries
The following summaries were prepared to interpret 2021 climate legislation, and its impact and opportunities for the Methow Valley community and efforts related to the Climate Action Plan. For questions about the summaries, or other legislation related to climate action please email
Infrastructure Investment Jobs Act 2021 and the Climate Action Plan
2021 Washington State Legislation Impacting Forestlands
2021 Legislation Impacting the Transportation Sector
2022 Agricultural Sector Summary
Building Decarbonization Legislative Summary