Creating a resilient future in the Methow through Climate Action

We work to implement the Methow Valley Climate Action Plan through education, funding access, and collaboration. Resilient Methow is a program of Methow Valley Citizens Council.

Watch the Recording: Fire and Hope: A Night of Storytelling About Climate And Communities

An evening of storytelling, art, and conversation about wildfire, climate change, hope, and recovery. Madeline Ostrander's debut nonfiction book, At Home on an Unruly Planet, chronicles the Methow Valley's journeys through wildfires and recovery—alongside four other communities that have faced impacts of climate change at home, from Alaska to Florida, and found grassroots solutions. The book also features cover art from Methow-based artist Sarah Gilman.

Watch the recording!

Electrify Your Home! Take climate action, and take advantage of incentives

Couldn’t make it to this event? Watch the recording here.

Learn how you can take advantage of incentives and rebates to electrify your home and take climate action! Hear from Rewiring America, local utilities, Washington State Energy Office, and a local contractor.

Watch the Recording: Climate Action Plan Fall Forum: One year later

Watch the recording of this event here. Download the Climate Action Update Slides here.

And if you’d rather see a few key takeaways, links, and resources from the event, see below:

  • Dr. Leah Stokes talked about the climate project funding available through the Inflation Reduction Act, and what individuals and communities can do to address climate change. She talked about this calculator from Rewiring America that can help people figure out potential savings or incentives for electrification. She also referred people to her podcast A Matter of Degrees which has a 3 part series on climate action - personal, professional, and political.

  • Marc Daudon who facilitated the Methow Valley Climate Action Plan talked about how the plan was created, and shared the vision and seven key goals of the plan. 

  • Kristi Skanderup and Dana Golden shared a series of updates submitted by stakeholders and community members about what has happened in the last year that has advanced the goals of the Climate Action Plan.

  • Easton Branam shared the process for starting a new project in the Methow that takes action on climate. First step, email

  • Sarah Brown shared about funding and grant opportunities available to the valley, including a compiled website tracking available here

New! Electric Vehicles (EV) in the Methow Valley FAQ

Did you know that 92% of Methow Valley emissions come from transportation? Electric vehicles are one aspect of reducing those emissions, and there are a lot of questions about what that looks like and means for us! Emily Salcedo, a fellow with Western Washington University’s Sustainable Pathways program created this FAQ to answer your questions, specific to the Methow Valley!

Our Climate Action Plan is here!

The Methow Valley Climate Action Plan represents the culmination of two years of work and reflects the involvement and contributions of hundreds of Methow residents, science experts, and representatives of local governments, tribes, community organizations, public agencies, and businesses. While the plan is complete for now, we see it as a living document - to be used, referred to, and updated over time.


Methow Valley Emissions Study

In order to reduce emissions, we have to know where they are coming from! This is an inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Methow Valley.